The ‘seller ideas’ sheet gives the purchaser a head-start on prospecting & lead generation, just download & get to work! for complete campaign. This sheet is not to be shared, just for the individual purchaser only.


The ‘seller ideas’ sheet gives the purchaser a head-start on prospecting & lead generation, just download & get to work! for complete campaign. This sheet is not to be shared, just for the individual purchaser only.

This is a download, visually stunning, full-color, ‘seller ideas’ sheet. Ready to use, right ‘out of the box’! Just download & get to work! Visit to learn more about ready-to-go complete campaigns, flyers, brochures, etc. This sheet is perfect for campaigning for new business, working past clients, FSBOs, etc. This sheet is not intended to be shared with anyone, it is for the use of the individual purchaser only.

The ‘seller ideas’ sheet gives the purchaser a head-start on prospecting & lead generation, just download & get to work! for complete campaign. This sheet is not to be shared, just for the individual purchaser only.

Full-color, visually stunning, ready to use. Perfect tool for campaigning for new business, working past clients, FSBOs, etc. This sheet is not to be used as a hand-out nor shared with anyone, is for the individual use of the purchaser only.

This is an informational download product. Spherical LLC does not provide technical assistance nor refunds. It is understood, the purchaser is in agreement to the terms at the time of purchase. Thanks for stopping by!

Terms of Use and Conditions
Welcome, and thanks for stopping by!

Subject to change without notice, including but not limited to the following: Spherical, LLC does not provide refunds and does not provide technical assistance. This informational product is intended only for use and review of the individual person purchasing this informational product and is not to be used or reviewed by multiples (individuals, group(s), team(s), business entity, organization, company, etc). If a group or company (e.g., multiples (individuals, group(s), team(s), business entity, organization, company, etc) would like to purchase this informational product, please contact Spherical, LLC at via the contact method provided. The purchaser agrees to customize the reproducible material (brochure, flyer, notecard, postcard, etc) to fit their needs, and include required, compliance framework, regulatory imagery, logo(s), verbiage, etc, per statute, regulations, memberships, rules, supervisory expectations, local regs, laws, codes, etc. Stacey Jaeger, owner of Spherical, LLC is also the broker owner of and is not acting or proposing to act as a real estate broker nor supervisor nor advisor in any capacity whatsoever to the purchaser, viewer, recipient, etc, and any recommendations, suggestions, ideas, tips, etc within the informational product are not to be misconstrued nor interpreted as a supervisory nor advisory conduct from Spherical LLC nor Stacey Jaeger. The purchaser is purchasing information only. Purchaser will be redirected to for download. Spherical LLC offers no technical assistance; therefore, the purchaser must download the info themselves and operate their own device, software, etc. All rights reserved by Spherical, LLC and the informational purchased product/material is subject to copyright/DMCA laws and punishable by law. Purchaser shall hold Spherical, LLC harmless from any potential liability and/or damages. The purchaser must independently, without any assistance from Spherical LLC, immediately download the purchased informational product to their own device immediately upon purchase as download info and/or location is subject to change without notice. Spherical, LLC does not offer technical assistance nor provide refunds.  This transaction does not establish any form of representation, nor agent/broker relationship in any form whatsoever, as it is for informational purposes only. Some Spherical LLC informational products and/or campaigns consists of many pages, some of which might be identified as confidential which shall not be shared with the public or anyone other than the individual purchaser, and the material to be shared with individuals other than the purchaser do not have the confidential notation and space has been left for the purchaser to add their own branding, verbiage, etc to that material not marked confidential. Affiliated licensees working with Stacey Jaeger as a supervisory broker shall proceed according to their individual written agreements, expectations, requirements, etc and can customize the reproducible material (brochure, flyer, notecard, postcard, etc) in accordance with the aforementioned, to be reviewed by Stacey Jaeger prior to use and distribution/sharing and must include required, compliance framework, regulatory imagery, logo(s), verbiage, etc, per statute, regulations, memberships, rules, supervisory expectations, local regs, laws, codes, etc. Thank you!

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